Apr. 22 - May 12, 2025

21 Days / 20 Nights

This Year: We are Visiting Choquequirao, Machu Picchu, The Unique Remote And Most Authentic Representatives Of The Inca People: Q'eros Tribe That Have Kept Their Most Important Traditions Alive, And of Course the Amazon Jungle!


The Travel Adventure in a Nutshell


Visiting Lima, Cusco, Choquequirao Ancient City Ruins, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, Pisac, Q'EROS Tribe & Shamanic Ritual Of Blessings of The Andean Mountains and Ayahuasca retreat in the Amazon jungle in the area of Pucallpa - Having a Deep Transformational Retreat with Shamanic Knowledge and the Building Blocks Of True Personal Development


1st option: Full adventure (complete program) trip in Peru

  • Apr. 22 - May 12, 2025

2nd option: Ayahuasca Retreat in the Amazon Jungle (Last part of the trip in the Jungle)

  • May 3-12, 2025

3rd option: (Andean Part Only) - Choquequirao, Machu Picchu, Q'eros Tribe, Cusco, Sacred Valley

  • Apr. 22 - May 4, 2025




Air-flight to Lima, Peru


1st option:

  ** SUPER Early Bird (until Oct. 20 - 4070 euros)

Early Bird (until Dec. 31, 2024 - 4325 euros)

Normal Price (starting Jan. 1 - 4685 euros)

2nd option: 

  ** SUPER Early Bird (until Oct. 20 - 2035 euros)

Early Bird (until Dec. 31, 2024 - 2190 euros)

Normal Price (starting Jan. 1 - 2430 euros)

3rd option: 

** SUPER Early Bird (until Oct. 20 - 2690 euros)

Early Bird (until Dec. 31, 2024 - 2825 euros)

Normal Price (starting Jan. 1 - 3075 euros)

So... Hurry up to enjoy some good Discounted Prices!!! :)

  • Videos From Previous Peru Journeys

Machu Picchu

The ruins of Machu Picchu, rediscovered in 1911, by Yale archaeologist Hiram Bingham, are one of the most beautiful and enigmatic ancient sites in the world. While the Incan people certainly used the Andean mountain top erecting many hundreds of stone structures, from the early 1400s, legends and myths indicate that Machu Picchu (meaning ‘Old Peak’ in the Quechua language) was revered as a sacred place from a far earlier time.

Machu Picchu seems to have been utilized by the Incas as a secret ceremonial city.

For more info about Machu Picchu:

Let the Adventure Begin!

Some people say that the best way to rediscover your true self and freedom is to travel as much and as widely as you can. Why is this? What happens when we move that makes us feel freer and happier?

It has to do with the unknown! When we go, especially in countries with a culture very different from the culture we were brought up and see new places and faces, when everything is brand new, the mind stops. Nothing is the way we are used to be, so the mind can not follow its usual patterns and habitual behavior.

This adventure is a spiritual one as much as an external one! The essence of this trip is for you to overcome any fear that you might have at any level, spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, to gain back your power and finally set yourself free!

In the midst of coming back home to yourself, have fun, and meet new friends!

The Trip will be guided by Spiritual Teacher, Shaman & Healer Northern Deer Alexander, founder of the WORLD OF WISDOM & SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE community.

He will help each of you get the most out of the experience, and will guide you on a journey to awakening your true essence.

The trip includes daily practices to awaken the inherent part of our inner selves which is who we truly are!

Gratitude after Ayahuasca Retreat

Machu Picchu

Trekking in Andes mountains


Day 1: Tuesday, Apr. 22

Arrive in Lima from an International flight.

Upon arrival, you shall be met by a representative in Lima and transferred directly to you hotel in Miraflores, Casa Andina Centro.

If you arrive on time you should be 1 hour to get through customs and baggage collection and then another 30 minutes to the hotel. Your hotel is in a great location near to the main park.

Exploring the district of Miraflores on foot which is very safe even at night.  There are many cafes, restaurants and bars to explore. There are also pharmacies, banks and money exchange shops all nearby if you need them.


Overnight: 3* Centro by Casa Andina, Miraflores, Lima

Day 2: Wednesday, Apr. 23

Fly from Lima to Cusco. (flight time late morning or early afternoon)

There may be some time to visit Miraflores or the Ocean front and an early lunch before we continue by private van to go back to Lima airport.  You will then take the 1-hour flight to Cusco transferring 15-20 minutes to your hotel located downtown.

Hotel Option will be a 3 star such as Casona Plaza or San Agustin..

Day 3: Thursday, Arp. 24

In Cusco, free for optional activities + acclimate to the elevation


Today is your main day to see Cusco and around. In the given time you could visit the main plaza, Koricancha Temple, San Francisco Square, San Blas neighborhood, and San Pedro Market.

In the afternoon we can visit sites such as the Inka museum, Coca museum, museum of Pre-Colombian art as well as many cafés, shops, and restaurants.

Overnight 3* Cusco – Casona Plaza or San Agustin

Statue Of The Great Inca King in the main Cusco Square

Beautiful Streets in the old Town in Cusco

Enjoying Our free Day in Cusco

Day 4: Friday, Apr. 25



3 HOURS (8K) 5 miles,


Our trip starts from Cusco. We leave for Cachora (the main town of the area) at around 8 am for lunchtime and stock up on snacks for the trek ahead.  Then continue 30 minutes more by road to Capiliyoc to meet with the main trail around 2 pm.

We then have around 3 hours of downhill with some nice viewpoints of the Canyon and surrounding glaciers along the way, before arriving at Chiquisca (a small oasis with fruit trees), for our first night's rest.

Here we will meet our hosts, Roco and his partner Gimena, who will cook for us a nice dinner.

Rooms are simple and basic.

Their on-site facilities also offer a small shop, cold/hot showers, and basic wifi (until 8 or 9) depending on the charges of the Solar panels.

Day 5: Saturday, Apr. 26



5-6 HOURS (9.5K) 6 miles,


After we have been served breakfast we pack and head further down into the Apurimac canyon no later than 8am.  This way we can remain in the shade before the sun is out in full force.

Our first stage is a trek of around 1 hour down on switch-bags to the pedestrian bridge at Playa Rosalina.  Here we reach the very bottom of the Canyon, and our lowest point of the trek.  

Today, we should be taking snacks with us instead of a cooked lunch.  This way, we eat light and trek without a heavy stomach.  Ideally we should take plenty of energy bars, cookies, fruits and a sandwich or two to keep us going until the final stop.

We will then continue from the bridge for around 4.5-5 hours uphill on zig-zag pathway. This trail is fairly steep and we should account for lots of stops to recuperate along the way.

About 1.5-2 hours we meet the midway point at Santa Rosa Baja 1962m (a small campsite with a shop to buy Basic snacks or drinks) and then another 45 minutes-1 hour after at Santa Rosa Alta 2200m (abandoned campsite). From here we have around 2 more hours to trek to Marampata. This will be the hardest part of the day but we should be at the top by around 3pm. Here, we can rest take a shower and enjoy the views.

We will stay at the simple lodges with panoramic views called ‘Mama Panchita’

Dinner can be taken early as we can take an early sleep and be ready for the next mornings early start.

Day 6: Sunday, Apr. 27


FULL-DAY AT RUINS + TREK:  6-7 HOURS (8.5K) 5.5 miles, 2900m-3045m-2900m


Today we begin with a simple breakfast (pancakes or eggs) and trek out to the Choqueqirao Archeological site.  To get there we have an undulating trail of ups and downs but different from the previous days.

It ranges between 2750-3050m.  

We can leave any time between 7 and 9am. We will therefore get there between 8.30 and 10,30am, as it will take 1.5 hours more or less, to arrive to the main area of the ruins.


When we get to the entrance we then take time to visit the main sectors and a guide will be with us to explain the main parts of the ruins.. The path is very steep and not for the faint-hearted or those with issues with high drops however It is worth the effort.

We should have plenty of time to explore and take our picnic lunch during our time there.

Afterwards in the afternoon, we can return back to our camp at Marampata where we will be served dinner.

We stay once again at Marampata where we were on the previous night.


Taking beautiful pictures on the way

Breathtaking views!

Our staying in Marampata with the local family (Family Cooking)

Day 7: Monday, Apr. 28



8-8.5 HOURS (20K) 12.5 miles,



Today we begin with an early simple breakfast (pancakes or eggs) and trek back down to the river Apurimac at about 7am which would take us around 3 hours to get back to the bridge at Playas Rosalinas.


From the bridge it should take us another 1 hour and 15 or 30 minutes to get back to Chiquisca, where we will have lunch.

If we don’t continue after lunch, we can rest here for one night but still have the rest to do the next day!!

We start after again around 2pm when it is starting to cool down and hike the final ascent of 3.5 hours up and out of the Canyon to Capiliyoc.  


Here we have cute mountain huts to sleep in, as well as options for wifi, some interesting games and also hot showers.

Day 8: Tuesday, Apr. 29


After breakfast, (around 8.30-9am), we will have a van take us to the Sacred Valley where we will arrive by around 1pm.

The drive takes 4 hours directly + extra time for some stops, after the journey, we have a very nice included lunch when we get to town. Some time to relax and enjoy our surroundings.

We then have a very scenic train ride at 4.36 to Machu Picchu town (Aguas Calientes) where we will arrive by 6.15pm.

OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION: Aguas Calientes/Machu Picchu town  3* e.g Sacred Stone Boutique

Machu Picchu - 2019

Day 9: Wednesday, Apr. 30

Tour Machu Picchu and return to Sacred Valley by train, drive to Pisac.

After breakfast you will have a short 10 minute walk to the train station located at the end of town. We will continue to Aguas Calientes by train around 7.45am. Time of the journey is around 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Upon arrival to the station someone will meet you and you will then take a 25 minutes bus ride to the entry gate, enjoy a 2 hour guided tour of the main citadel before the option of heading up Huayna Picchu Mountain ($25 USD extra) which takes about 1.5 hours (or less). You will then head back down the same way to town and have time for lunch (not included).

We will then be taking a mid-afternoon train back to Ollantaytambo which takes around 1.5 hours and another 1 hour 45 minute drive to Pisac.
Arriving around 6.30pm in the evening.

On the final part of today we would be transport along the Sacred Valley to our accommodation back in Cusco for a final evening.

Pisac 3* - Royal Inka



hiking to Aguas Calientes (village under Machu Pucchu)

Machu Picchu - No Words

Machu Picchu - The carved rock behind represents the sacred for the Inca people mountains (Apus).

Day 10: Thursday, May 1

Free day in Pisac.

After breakfast, there is a free day to rest, relax, visit the picturesc town of Pisac and have some spiritual discussions around our experiences until now. For whom is interested you can decide to do an optional trek, horse ride or visit the ruins above the town (extra cost). We keep the program flexible to see how you feel therefore there are no included activities.

 Overnight Pisac 3* - Royal Inka


Day 11: Friday, May 2

Journey out from Pisac to remote Qeros village (Colpa Kuchu).
Afternoon Pachamama ceremony lead by our village host Q'eros Shaman.

After an early breakfast we leave promptly to head on our voyage to a remote Native Qeros community. It will take us approximately 4.5 or 5 hours in total to get there.

Some of the road is good until the town of Paucartambo where we can take a short break.

Then another 2.5-3 hours are by rougher-road. We plan to arrive to the community for lunch and a warm welcome from the community leader and shaman Don Alipio and the rest of his family.

The meeting of such an untouched indigenous community is a rare and inspirational experience. Ceremonies, along with daily life, are pure and far removed from anything we might expect from a modern civilization.

It is a chance to perceive Pachamama through the eyes of the Q’eros, and to understand the ways in which they interact with each other and their environment. Despite the harsh and basic conditions that they live in, sharing with the Q’eros community is heart-opening and enlightening.

During this visit, we will be enjoying breathtaking mountainous high-Andes scenery along with the challenging way of life it provides, and will have the unique opportunity to take part in the sacred practices of the Q’eros, which include devotion to Pachamama, as well as an introduction to the ancient initiation of Hatun Karpay (Great Initiation). The Q'eros have been conducting these initiations since the Incan Empire, and they have been the only ones to preserve these traditions.

We then have a simple dinner (camp-food) and spend the night in tents beside the village

Day 12: Saturday, May 3

Ceremony to Sacred Mountrain, Return from Qeros village by road to Cusco

After breakfast we head out on a morning hike of around 2.5-3 hours (round trip) led by our Qeros Shaman where we will make blessings to a Sacred mountain or Apu as it is locally known. We return for a final lunch say our goodbyes to the
family and pack up and load the van. We then drive around 5.5 hours back the way we came but continue to Cusco, arriving by around 7pm to the hotel.

Overnight hotel Maytaq or similar, Cusco (as per previous nights)

Day 13: Sunday, May 4

Flight via Lima to Pucallpa.

In the mid-morning we take a 1 hour 15 minute flight to Lima, then connect to Pucallpa on another 1 hour flight in the afternoon.
From Pucallpa airport you shall be picked up by the hotel (just 10 minutes away) where you can then relax for the rest of the day, also you can use the outdoor pool facilities.

Overnight 4* Manish, Pucallpa

Day 14: Monday, May 5

Jeep/boat transfer to Sanctuario Huistin retreat

Santuario healing retreat Day 1: Ceremony #1

After breakfast, we continue by Jeep for 2.5 hours to meet our boat on the river Pachitea at a port in the small town of Honoria.

Once on the boat we then travel further 30 minutes to the point where we head on foot to our refuge for the next 5 nights which is around 40 minutes further to walk.


In the evening we start the ceremony at around 7 or 8pm and will last into the night.


Accommodation at the retreat in simple basic rooms and all meals.


On the ceremony days only breakfast and lunch will be served, on non-ceremony days breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served.  

Expect meals to be basic and nutritious as part of the diet and preparation for the Ayahuasca plant medicine.

Day 15: Tuesday, May 6

Santuario healing retreat Day 2: Rest day 1

This day is following the schedule indicated by the retreat, there will be no ceremonies given by the Shaman today but there is the opportunity to visit the surrounding area and experience the local nature and wildlife that exists here.

Day 16: Wednesday, May 7

Santuario healing retreat Day 3: Ceremony #2

Today we will have the second ceremony at around the same time as the night one.

Day 17: Thursday, May 8

Santuario healing retreat Day 4: Rest day 2

This second rest day is following the schedule indicated by the retreat, there will be no ceremonies given by the Shaman today but there is the opportunity to visit the surrounding area and experience the local nature and wildlife that exists there.

Day 18: Friday, May 9

Santuario healing retreat Day 5: Ceremony #3

Today we will have the third and final ceremony at around the same time as night one and three.

Day 19: Saturday, May 10

Return from the retreat to Pucallpa overnight at Manish hotel

We take the entire morning to relax, and begin our return after lunch with a 40 minute walk back to the river with the boat awaiting us.  Then travel on the motor-boat 30 minutes to the nearest port.  From there a full 2 hours back to the hotel by jeep.


Overnight 4* Manish, Pucallpa

Day 20: Sunday, May 11

Return to the airport and fly to Lima for one final night.

Transport will take us back to the airport of Pucallpa in 10 minutes and we fly around 4.15pm to Lima then connect into Miraflores for one final night.

Accommodation: Hotel 3* Centro, Miraflores

Day 21: Monday, May 12

Return to the airport to catch your international flight at any time.

After breakfast, you will have an included transfer to Lima airport in time for your international flight.



The spiritual practices


There is no way to separate a trip, a journey to a faraway country, without having a spiritual experience. For such a big trip, the spirit under which it operates and its intention is immense!

Our attention is to enjoy life, expand our awareness and self-knowledge, become empowered from our experiences which will lead us to be more alive and also learn something important and valuable in the way that we can carry with us, inside us, in our memories, in our actions, and in our hearts. Our purpose in this journey is to experience these transformative moments as consciously as we can so that this trip will be an excellent memory and a way to remember ourselves and return reborn!

The spirit under which we operate and the presence of a spiritual teacher together with us during all days ensure that the energy of our experience will be many times deeper than only what is the outward journey and activity!

Furthermore, on this trip, we will connect with ancient knowledge and global wisdom of ancient worlds, one of which is the world of the Incas of Peru which we will be visiting.

So the opportunity presents itself to have a tremendous spiritual Journey and pilgrimage!

  • We will have exciting talks, topics of the transformation of the different parts of our lives (health, relationships, and the psychological aspect of how we experience our daily lives)
  • Self Mastery Seminar - The Secrets to Interpret Your Inner & external world
  • Tarot Cards Ritual for the empowerment of your life and receive direction
  • Introduction To Shamanism (crash course) - Shamanic knowledge and ancient wisdom for daily living – We will study the knowledge of shamans of different traditions and we will focus on the most interesting and relevant topics that connect different civilizations in this universal experience - Drum Ceremonies and meditations – Shamanic Journey “Kamlanie” where you will learn to connect with the so-called spirits of the world of the shaman
  • Ayahuasca ceremonies for cleansing the subconscious mind and heal our “traumatic” past experiences of life!
  • Personal Advice & a Consultation From Northern Deer

(For more information about Alexander visit:

Northern Deer Alexander performing a wedding ceremony in 2900 m in Olympus Mt. Greece

Speaking in a conference in Romania

Alexander Northern Deer has founded in the International Community World of Wisdom & Spiritual Adventure (WOW)




Dates: Apr. 22 - May 12, 2025


** SUPER Early Bird (until Oct. 20 - 4070 euros)

Early Bird (until Dec. 31, 2024 - 4325 euros)

Normal Price (starting Jan. 1 - 4685 euros)

  • Included for the FULL program:
  •  Spiritual/Transformational seminar with Northern Deer Alexander (look above for a more detailed program of what Northern deer will teach you)
  • 20 nights accommodation (double/triple share). With breakfasts included
  • Lunches x11, Dinners x7
  • Local flights:  Lima - Cusco - Lima - Pucalpa - Lima (23 kilos + 10 kg hand luggage)
  • All - to and from - airport transfers
  • Local representative to accompany the group on all travel days.
  • Machu Picchu: Guide, entry fee, return shuttle bus, return expedition train
  • Half-day Cusco tour with Koricancha: entry fee, guide


  • Not included:


  • Trip Insurance
  • International flights
  • Trek poles (can be hired)
  • Hotel upgrades or single room upgrades – can be arranged.
  • Extra nights in Lima before/after the tour
  • Machu Picchu Mountain or Huayna Picchu peak tickets (morning only)
  • Meals or activities other than mentioned in the itinerary
  • Tips for the locals



Dates: May 3-12, 2025


** SUPER Early Bird (until Oct. 20 - 2035 euros)

Early Bird (until Dec. 31, 2024 - 2190 euros)

Normal Price (starting Jan. 1 - 2430 euros)

Included :

  • Ayahuasca retreat in the Amazon jungle including 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies, full board menu, accommodation, and transfers. We make sure that better food (more varied diet, extra fruit, fish, chicken) and care (bed sheets replaced for new ones, candles, candleholders) are provided so we can make your stay there the best possible experience for your soul.
  • The guidance and seminar by Alexander Northern Deer
  • Transportation inside Peru
  • Hotels for 2 nights in Lima 2 nights in Pucallpa (Manish Eco Resort), 6 days/5 nights Ayahuasca retreat in the Amazon (all breakfasts included)
  • National flights Lima / Pucallpa / Lima.

Not included:

  • International round-trip ticket flight from your residential country to Peru
  • Lunches and Dinners apart from the retreat
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tips/gratuities




Dates: Apr. 22 - May 4, 2025


** SUPER Early Bird (until Oct. 20 - 2690 euros)

Early Bird (until Dec. 31, 2024 - 2825 euros)

Normal Price (starting Jan. 1 - 3075 euros)

Included :

  • Spiritual seminar by Alexander Northern Deer
  • All accommodation
  • 12 x breakfasts, 6 x lunches, 5 x dinners
  • Local flights:  Lima-Cusco-Lima (23 kilos + 10 kg hand luggage)
  • All - to and from - airport transfers
  • Local representative to accompany the group on all travel days.
  • Machu Picchu: Guide, entry fee, shuttle bus, expedition train
  • Half-day Cusco tour with Koricancha: entry fee, guide
  • Choquequirao 4 day trek with all expences and meals included

Not included:

  • Trip Insurance
  • International flights
  • Trek poles (can be hired)
  • Hotel upgrades or single room upgrades – can be arranged.
  • Extra nights in Lima ( if you need) before/after the tour
  • Huayna Picchu tickets (morning only)
  • Meals or activities other than mentioned in the itinerary
  • Train Upgrades
  • Tips to locals


HOW TO REGISTER – relevant Information


  • To enroll, please send us an email by clicking on the button above saying that you want to participate.
  • To reserve your place, we will ask you for a 30% deposit of the package cost (non-refundable). The rest of the cost of the travel adventure has to be settled one month before the trip.
  • Please DO NOT book your air flights before contacting us to discuss the details and then you can proceed with the booking. As soon as you have booked your air flights, remember to send us your air-flight confirmation and details. 

The Air-flights:

International flights:

You will have to book a flight to Lima Airport, Peru at your expenses.

We can advise and help you spot flights that will suit you, but the final booking needs to be done by you.

In case you wish for us to book your air-flights, this can be arranged for a small fee.

Arrival: Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2025

Return: Monday, May 12, 2025

National flights inside PERU: For those flights, a group booking will be made by us.

Important Information – PLEASE READ

  • Please come with an open heart and an innocent spirit for an adventure. Try to let go, relax, and flow with life. We would like to have a spontaneous experience, of course, there would be a program to keep things rolling, but please embrace the unknown and everything that will bring blessings our way.
  • Valid Travel Insurance in Peru: Please take caution so that you have one, as we will be asked during our reservation to provide all the necessary information.
  • Passport: You need to have a valid passport that has a minimum of six months before the expiration date on the 1st day you arrive in Peru.
  • Visa arrangements: Visas for up to 90 days in Peru are given upon arrival and are free of charge (in most countries, please check for your case).
  • Vaccinations: Please consult your doctor or an official medical service of your country to arrange for the vaccinations you will need to do for visit Peru