With Northern Deer Alexander

Spiritual Teacher, Shaman & Healer

When: May 7, 2023 @ 8 pm EEST

Where: Online (I'll provide the link after your registration and also via email)

Why: Because your life, your close ones & your business need it!

Participation: 25 euros (€)


Registration is limited!

When I think back to the first time I stood on stage trying to present and promote my spiritual work and knowledge... I cringe. Hard. I knew about the subconscious mind and its programming but did not have real experience. My presentation skills were haphazard at best but some deep inner power helped me. I started in panic mode but I ended the presentation feeling more than great.

So I devoted my life to learning the best knowledge about how to control the subconscious mind and direct my intention to true abundance and freedom outside and inside. Today, I've given hundreds of workshops on abundance and deprograming the mind from the "poverty program" syndrome which have led many people starting new businesses and achieving abundance and psychological and financial success . 

Want to know what I learned? Sign up for my new master class and feel awesome about your next achievements in your personal and professional Life.

This class is for you if...

  • You freeze up in front of the idea to remain broke or the opposite: in front an business/work opportunity that can lead to abundance (or even having simply to talk about new plans and present yourself to people).
  • You hate remembering or talking about your past endeavors because you fixate on the mistakes you've made and you feel shame even to refer to what you do for your future.
  • You know your financial and personal life deserve a stronger outcome, and you wish for bigger results but you're not sure how to become the leader you know you should be. 


Not sure you can do this? I've got a story for you...

I remember when I began to think I might actually have something to teach people about abundance.

 I'd just given my 10th or so talk on stage, and a good friend of mine happened to be in the audience. The talk went well, and afterward, we met up to chat. 

"I could never do something like that," he told me. My friend was building a really promising business, but I knew he was a pretty stressed person, and I could see how he struggled to get success and results.

I looked at him and I said: "Wanna bet?"

We set a weekly coffee date: one hour a week totally devoted to building his confidence gaining awareness of his inner processes and refining his abundance strategy. 

After a month, he'd booked his first appointment to start his new business and move into a new place with his newly founded family. After six months, he didn't need my help anymore. Today, he's on the road to the happy life he always wanted - no stress no worries anymore...

If my friend could do this, I know you can, too. I've seen what gets results—and I'd love to share it with you.

So... are you in?